She had more

brocI steamed broccoli for dinner the other night.  Since my little one has been conducting a full-on vegetable revolt for the last few months, I placed a single floret on her high chair tray assuming I’d be tossing it into the compost bucket when all was said and done. But wait, no, what’s this? My baby ate broccoli…willingly and all on her own.  She even signaled for more and ate it. MORE, PEOPLE! She had more. I’m so proud of her. She never ceases to amaze me.


Come springtime in Central PA, there’s a very special smell in the air. Especially when you live in the country. It’s cow $hit. Farmers are getting their fields ready for the spring growing season. Not only do I get to enjoy the aroma, but it even leaves a bit of an after taste in my mouth when I’m out for runs.  Nice, right?

April 10, 2.27 mi., 19:32

April 8, 5 mi., 47:58



I’ve come to a crossroads.  It’s taken me four years, but I’ve finally run out of space to upload photos to my blog.  To upgrade or not to upgrade? That is the question.

My blog has never really been photo heavy and, in recent months, it hasn’t been very copy heavy either.  So, do I pay for more space? Of course, free sounds better. Then again, I’ve been at this little blog for four years so seems like I’m pretty committed.  Really though, I only consider myself an occasional blogger. Can I even get my money’s worth?  If I’m paying for the space, will I post more photos? Or maybe I’ll post so many more photos, I’ll have to pay for more space?  Food for thought here.

Our April showers are setting us up for some serious May flowers.  Still, I can’t complain.  With the weather finally starting to warm, I’ve been able to get out an run.  Loving it.  

April 5, 2.23 mi., 19:23

April 2, 2.28 mi., 20:31

April 1, 3.32 mi., 34:56

Likely some new running shoes in my future.  I’m still building my mileages, but already I can feel it in my feet–a sure sign it’s time to get new shoes. 

Fasnacht 2014

We recently celebrated Fasnacht. Hubs grew up celebrating this Pennsylvania Dutch holiday with his family and it’s been a fun tradition to share with all this little ones in our family today.


Nobody told me

How did I not know this?  I totally completely missed National Cheese Lover’s Day on January 20. How could I overlook such an important holiday? Honestly, I don’t know why we don’t celebrate this holiday everyday.  Cheese is a necessary staple in my diet. It’s right up there with beef jerky and fancy imported meets from Italy. (Yes, my diet really does contain large quantities of these items.)

So,  I hear spring is around the corner. Honestly though, I’ll believe it when I see it. We’ve had a heck of a winter here in Central PA.  I’m a cold weather running wimp. Every fall I say I’m going to suck it up and be hardcore this winter.  But every spring I find myself starting over.  Such is life. I accept this about myself.  Fortunately, I’ve learned a thing or two in the 10+ years I’ve been running, including how quickly I can build up my mileage. So, I’m starting easy.

March 11: 4.06 miles, 37:05

March 12: 1.76 miles, 27:18

March 15: 2.44 miles, 21:20

I’ve also incorporated some light strength training two days a week. I find even light strength training helps me go the distance.  Also registered for my first race this year–the Capitol Hill Classic 10k–in May.

It’s getting hot in here

One of the reasons hubs and I started our home renovation in the kitchen is because we love to cook.  Well, hubs loves to cook.  I love to EAT!  Been having fun trying new recipes.

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Taking time to remember

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French toast with a drizzle of hickory syrup, eggs, & mango.

I love you brinner. French toast with a drizzle of hickory syrup, eggs, & mango.



Nothing says PA like the farm show

2014 marked a special visit to the PA Farm Show–the first with our little one.  She was completely delighted as you can imagine.  We missed last year’s show. It was shortly after our little one was born and I just wasn’t up for it.  I was sad about it though because it was the first time we missed the show since moving to PA.  You can check out pics from our past visits here and here.

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IMG_7898Hubs does most of the cooking around our household. Thank GOD! If it were left up to me, our diet would be a heavy rotation of pb&j and tuna fish. Yeah, I might throw in a grilled cheese or blt on a special occasion, but well, it would have to be a really special occasion. That being said, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. Specialties really. One of them is risotto. Risotto is comfort food to me. I’ve learned that the key to good risotto is constant stirring. The stirring is essential to develop just the right amount of creaminess because after all, if it ain’t creamy, it’s just rice. But beyond the stirring, risotto is a forgiving dish. You can put anything in there and it will come out delicious. I love an asparagus and mushroom risotto. I saute the asparagus and mushrooms separately with a little bit of bacon finely chopped. The rice is cooked with a little white wine and stock. Once the rice is sufficiently creamy, I add the vegetables and seasonings, and finish it off with a little grated parmesan (the real stuff, not the powder in a plastic container…yes, it makes a difference). So good.